Sunday, August 20, 2006

Back to reality

Well as you all know we finally moved from Rexburg to Pocatello. I can not tell you how glad I am go be out of that town. Now for the first time we can buy something after 11 PM.

After fun filled week in Florida with Anna and her family I am starting school on Monday. I am getting rather nervous because I don't know what to expect. I know that school here will be a lot harder than anything I am used to but exactly how much harder, I don't know. It is this anticipation that scares me. I have done as much as I can to get ready. Except for my towing fiasco everything is in order.

Which brings me to my fight with Smith Chevrollet. On Thursday August 3rd my Pontiac Grand Dam GT broke down. That night I had it towed to the closed places which happened to be Smith's. It is a dealer but they have a large service department so I wasn't worried. Well, we moved Friday the 4th picking the car up on the way in Idaho Falls where the shop is located. Then Saturday the 5th the car breaks down again in downtown Pocatello, leaving Char and me stranded. A little frustrated I called the shop and they agreed to tow to car back and get us a rental car to take to Boise on Sunday so we can catch our flight Monday morning at 7 AM. I looked for a rental car and they were all outrageously priced so I took our old, considered unreliable, Nissan to Boise instead of charging Smith's a huge amount of money for a rental. This was me being a good Samaritan.

Well we made it to Boise stopping only once to keep the car from over heating. Caught our plain to Florida, had a wonderful time. Then got a phone call from Smith's informing me that the car was again fixed, they claimed to installed a faulty part, but that they would not be covering the $233 tow after I had been told they would. I guess the man I spoke with on Saturday failed to mention any of our conversation with anyone else at Smith's. After getting no where over the phone about the situation I go in to discuss the problem and get my car which was supposedly fixed for the second time. This time to my surprise the man I arranged the tow with originally is now denying making any such arrangement. So, I leave because there is no management that I can talk to there and as we leave Char is driving the Black car and calls me because the car is acting up again. We take the car back to the shop and for the third time they have failed to fix it after they had it for nearly two weeks. I came back the next day to discuss the tow and for the first time meet the manager and again to my surprise he has heard nothing of the situation and refused to pay for the tow. This company has no concept of what it means to have honor.

To add insult to injury the true problem with my car was the alternator, they claimed time and time again to be the battery, and they quoted me $480 to fix it. I said no, went to Napa Auto Parts, go an alternator for $99, and then pushed the car to the dealer next door, which is also a GM Goodrench, and they installed it for $35 in ten minutes!

For now the case in under investigation. I plan on continuing to refuse to pay and wait to see what they decide on their side.

I had a great time in Florida and here are some pictures.

This is me playing in the surf. When we first got to the beach we were preparing in the parking lot. When I took off my shirt a man in a car driving by yelled, PUT YOUR SHIRT BACK ON! We all thought that was funny. I ended up getting a wicked sun burn.

This is the light house in Daytona. We climbed all the way to the top.

Here is Tyler being GQ while he sucked his thumb.

This here is the huge fish I caught. It was a 38 inch Red Drum. We had to let it go because it was too big.


Blogger BrianG said...

sorry about the car. We had some car trouble here too. I hope that you are enjoying school. Say hi to CHarlotte. Congrats on the baby boy.


5:42 PM  

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